Professional liquid Pouring medium Composite / various volumes
Professional liquid Pouring medium Composite / various volumes
- Water dispersion, odorless
- It does not change the color of the paint
- Ideal combination with acrylic paints ACRYL PRO Kompozit
- It slows down the drying of colors
- After drying, it creates a waterproof coating that does not turn yellow over time
Ready-to-use water-dispersible acrylic agent. Designed for creating various effects using the FLUID ART technique. It is perfectly combined with the acrylic art paint ACRYL PRO Kompozit, which reduces its viscosity without changing the color. After drying, it forms a waterproof coating that does not yellow over time.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: before using the products, mix thoroughly to distribute the ingredients evenly to prevent foam formation. Mix with acrylic art paint of selected colors in a ratio of approximately 2:1 (medium:paint), depending on the viscosity of the paint. To achieve different effects, the ratio can be changed (preliminary tests are required). Suitable for working on hard flat surfaces such as canvas, wood, cardboard, fiberboard, chipboard, etc. Drying time at a temperature of +20 °C and a relative humidity of 50%: from dust - 60 minutes, complete drying - in 1 day. After drying, it is possible to apply Art Kompozit® lacquer to protect the surface and add additional shine to the finished product.
STORAGE AND SAFETY CONDITIONS: store and transport in the company's closed packaging at temperatures from +5 to +35 °C, in a place inaccessible to children. Protect from direct sunlight and heating devices. Use by children is only possible under the supervision of an adult! Clean the wet work tools from material residues without letting them dry, and rinse them thoroughly with water (in the case of short breaks in work, the tools can be protected from drying out by wrapping them in a plastic bag). Packaging and product residues after drying are disposed of as construction waste.
GUARANTEED STORAGE PERIOD: 36 months from the date of manufacture.